Connect with your customers by building a sense of ownership, loyalty and community with our digital platform. Communicate directly with customers to improve brand value, build trust and increase sales.

Enabling Connected

  • For Brand
  • For Customer

The XenTag platform provides you with the dynamic tools to create scalable, customized digital brand experiences.


Build connected digitized
products with XenTag
secure NFC tags


Build product micro sites and
customer engagement experiences
using XenTag site builder


Get real time usage, consumption
and demand information by
product and batch

Interacting with smart products is easy.


Tap the product with a
smartphone to activate the
NFC chip


Gain access to detailed
product information without
having to download an app


Submit warranty claims, resell
your products, view proof of
ownership, and so much more

Identify Your Lifestyle Product

Lifestyle and apparel is forecasted to grow at a healthy rate over the next several years. Set your brand apart from the competition with personalized, dynamic digital experiences.

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Differentiate Your Brand

Stay at the forefront of consumer visibility and engage your customers like never before with unique, interactive digital products.

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Add Product Value

Smart clients don’t just want to know about their products; they want to know about the brands behind them.

Don’t just share your assortment of lifestyle goods; share a “lifestyle” that is active, engaged and tuned in.

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Drive Direct Sales

XenTag-enabled products create an innovative sales channel with direct-to-consumer capabilities.

Create new sales features, such as new product launches, upsell opportunities and tap-to purchase.

Increase sales and build new revenue streams with peer-to-peer commerce.

Unlock the potential of your products